
A little about me..

Hi! Lovely to meet you!
My name is Maddie. I am born and raised in Alberta, Canada, and I have been living in various parts of the province my whole life. Currently residing in Calgary, AB.

I have been intuitive and gifted since as far back as my memory goes, experiencing spiritual encounters, energy shifts, visions of the future, and memories of things I had never seen before. For most of my early years, these messages were thinly veiled, wouldn’t make much sense, and I would often forget what I was seeing and receiving. The one constant sensation that always stayed, was the feeling that I was meant to help people and always wanted to make people happy. It was when I started to tap into my abilities and the calling, that I was able to finely tune my connection and really start exploring the spiritual realms! I started working with various modalities of Divination in my late teenage years including crystals, tarot, and meditation.

I worked in the restaurant and service industry as my first job, and stayed for almost a decade, serving people food and laughs. I moved out of the service industry and followed an interest for fashion. I used my great people skills and my caring personality to move into the Bridal industry. I became a certified wedding planner and enjoyed helping brides plan their dream weddings and find their perfect gowns. I also started practicing more with crystals, tarot, pendulums and became certified in Reiki energy movement.

I started taking classes in a lifelong passion of psychology, and continued working in bridal and serving. The magic of all of this was immense and intense and I soon found myself aligning to a slower lifestyle. I dropped out of the structured school programs and worked more independently on my studies. I started working more with crystals and Wiccan practices and moved away from the hustle and bustle of downtown and decided to be closer to nature and my best furry friend (my dog Tobi). So I immersed myself into the pet care industry. This felt right as I continued to follow my calling and helped humans and animals in their journey of happiness, health, and nutrition. While also selling my handmade witch kits and Wiccan supplies on the side!

Just a couple years later I came across hypnosis, past life regressions and sessions where you could connect with your very own Higher Self! I had no idea what a ‘Higher Self’ was at the time but I knew if I could get answers to some of life’s most important questions directly from a source that spoke out of my own mouth, with my own voice, then how could I deny any answers that I was hearing?

I looked into various methods and practitioners and I came across a wonderful hypnotherapist, regressionist, and psychic medium that became my mentor. I had the deepest sense of calling that I have ever felt. It was my ‘this is it’ moment, where all the pieces aligned. I wanted to help people heal through hypnosis, higher self healing, and spiritual mentorship. All of my skills, interests, and practices were leading me in this direction! I asked for a sign from the universe and received confirmation that this path was meant to be.

I immediately dove into the practice of hypnotherapy, Life Regressions, Life between Lives, and Higher Self readings. I got certified in BBSQH (Beyond Body Soul and Quantum Healing), and have absolutely fallen in love with this work and the amazing healing that comes from it! I have been able to see first hand what the Higher Self can do for a client and it is nothing short of a miracle. I am so excited to continue this work and can’t wait to meet many more amazing clients and help them access a part of themselves they didn’t know existed!

Thank you for taking time to get to know my journey, and I hope I can get to know more about you soon!


Have a question about your own experience?

If you have witnessed anything Divinely magical, out-of-the-ordinary, or had an experience that you would like to share, please send it in here!

If i’m able to give you resources for your journey, or a new perspective, I’d love to help. Fill out the form with your experience or questions and I’ll respond shortly.

Align to your Risen Mind, today.