6 Ways the Body Responds to Accession: What to Expect
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6 Ways the Body Responds to Accession: What to Expect

As we embark on the journey of raising our vibration, the effects extend far beyond just our mindset and emotions. Our physical bodies, intricate and interconnected, respond in remarkable ways to the heightened frequencies we embody. In this exploration, we delve into the extraordinary phenomena that emerge as we elevate our energetic state.

Heightened Senses: Raising your vibration can awaken your senses to new levels of perception. Many individuals report an increased sensitivity to smell, with scents becoming more vivid and evocative. Conversely, there may be a newfound aversion to harsh chemicals, as the body recoils from substances that disrupt its natural harmony. In extreme cases, the mere scent of chemicals can trigger headaches, serving as a visceral reminder of the body's heightened awareness.

Intuitive Insights: As we connect with higher frequencies, our intuitive abilities are amplified. Some describe experiencing premonitions or "gut feelings" about future events, such as knowing when a phone call will come or sensing when someone is about to arrive. This heightened intuition is a manifestation of our deeper connection to the divine, guiding us along our path with clarity and purpose.

Enhanced Sensations: Alongside heightened intuition, individuals may develop extraordinary sensory abilities. Some report sensations akin to feeling an x-ray on the body, or becoming extra electrical and charged with energy, inadvertently shocking objects with their hands. These phenomena serve as reminders of the profound energetic shifts taking place within the body, as it attunes to higher vibrations.

Sensory Sensitivity: As our vibration rises, so too does our sensitivity to external stimuli. This heightened sensitivity extends to taste and hearing, with individuals experiencing a more nuanced perception of flavors and sounds. Moreover, there may be a visceral reaction to electromagnetic waves emitted by devices such as cellphones or radios, with the body intuitively seeking to protect itself from harmful frequencies.

Aversion to Toxic Substances: Elevated vibrations often lead to a natural aversion to substances that disrupt our energetic balance. Individuals may find themselves shunning alcohol and toxic drugs, recognizing the detrimental impact these substances have on their well-being. Similarly, there may be a heightened awareness of the need to stand up to injustice and protect the body from harmful influences.

Empathic Abilities: As we raise our vibration, we become more attuned to the emotions of others, developing empathic abilities that allow us to deeply connect with those around us. This heightened empathy enables us to read the room immediately, sensing the emotions of others and discerning the true intentions behind their actions. Additionally, individuals may find themselves becoming adept judges of character, intuitively spotting lies and deceit.

In essence, the effects of raising your vibration extend far beyond the realm of the mind and emotions, permeating every aspect of our being. From heightened senses to enhanced intuitive abilities, the body responds to elevated frequencies in profound and extraordinary ways. As we continue on this transformative journey, let us embrace these phenomena as manifestations of our deepening connection to the divine and our inherent capacity for growth and expansion.

-Maddie: Creator of Risen Mind Wellness

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The Transformative Power of Raising Your Vibration
Risen Mind Wellness Risen Mind Wellness

The Transformative Power of Raising Your Vibration

The concept of "raising your vibration" has gained significant attention recently and important to explore what this can really mean for you and your accession. It's not just a New Age catchphrase anymore; it's a powerful concept that holds the potential to transform lives. But what exactly does it mean to raise your vibration, and what effects can it have on your life?

At its core, raising your vibration is about elevating your energy to a higher frequency. Everything in the universe, including our thoughts, emotions, and physical bodies, vibrates at a particular frequency. When we raise our vibration, we align ourselves with higher frequencies associated with love, joy, gratitude, and abundance.

You can manage your frequency and raise your vibration by connecting with yourself and the world around you in mindful ways. Here are some examples:

Listen to your internal thoughts and adjust accordingly, meditation, self love, play, watch your technology usage, be in nature, remember you are a spirit having a human experience, and you can learn more by reading this article on Elevating Your Frequency:

So, what are the effects of raising your vibration? Let's explore some of the profound transformations that can occur:

Increased Positivity: One of the most immediate effects of raising your vibration is a shift towards a more positive mindset. As you cultivate feelings of gratitude, love, and joy, you naturally attract more positive experiences into your life. Challenges may still arise, but you'll approach them with a greater sense of optimism and resilience.

Heightened Awareness: Raising your vibration opens your awareness to the interconnectedness of all things. You may find yourself more attuned to the beauty of nature, the synchronicities of life, and the subtle energies that surround you. This heightened awareness fosters a deeper sense of mindfulness and presence in the present moment.

Emotional Healing: Low vibrational emotions such as fear, anger, and resentment can weigh us down and block our potential for growth. By raising your vibration, you release stagnant energy and emotional baggage, allowing for profound healing to take place. Forgiveness, compassion, and self-love become more accessible, leading to greater emotional freedom and well-being.

Manifestation Power: When you align with higher frequencies, you become a powerful manifestor of your desires. Your thoughts and intentions carry greater energetic potency, allowing you to effortlessly attract abundance, opportunities, and synchronicities into your life. Manifestation becomes less about striving and more about allowing and receiving with grace.

Enhanced Intuition: As you raise your vibration, you tune into the wisdom of your intuition more deeply. Your inner guidance becomes clearer, helping you make decisions that are aligned with your highest good. Trusting your intuition becomes second nature, guiding you along your path with confidence and clarity.

Improved Relationships: Raising your vibration can have a transformative effect on your relationships. As you embody qualities such as love, compassion, and authenticity, you naturally attract people who resonate with your higher vibration. Existing relationships may also evolve as you communicate more openly and empathetically, fostering deeper connections based on mutual respect and understanding.

Physical Well-being: Our physical bodies are intricately connected to our energetic state. When you raise your vibration, you support your body's natural healing mechanisms, leading to improved health and vitality. You may experience increased energy levels, better sleep, and a greater overall sense of well-being.

In essence, raising your vibration is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. It's about aligning with the truth of who you are at the deepest level and living in harmony with the natural flow of life. While the process may require dedication and inner work, the rewards are immeasurable – a life filled with joy, abundance, and purpose.

So, if you're ready to embark on this transformative journey, start by cultivating practices that uplift and nourish your soul. Whether it's meditation, gratitude journaling, spending time in nature, or engaging in acts of kindness, every step you take towards raising your vibration brings you closer to living your most vibrant and fulfilling life.

-Maddie: Creator of Risen Mind Wellness

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Elevate Your Frequency: Practical Tips for Raising Your Vibration
Risen Mind Wellness Risen Mind Wellness

Elevate Your Frequency: Practical Tips for Raising Your Vibration

Practical Tips for Raising your Vibration:

Self-Love and Self-Care:

Prioritize Yourself: Remember to take care of yourself and cultivate self-love. Engage in activities that nourish your body, mind, and soul, whether it's practicing yoga, taking long baths, or indulging in your favorite hobbies. Practicing self love can be doing things that you like, taking care of your physical body, letting yourself relax and feel your emotions, rest, nourishment, laughter, and many more things! These can help with feeling better towards yourself and love yourself even more.

Playfulness: Life isn't meant to be all work and no play. Make time for activities that bring you joy and laughter. Whether it's playing with your pets, trying out a new hobby, playing outside, play a video game or board game. Just play in any way you can think of. Embrace the playful side of life. We are meant to play and experience life for all the amazing things it has to offer.

Listen to your internal thoughts and adjust accordingly: Hear the thought in your head as a single piece of solid information. Choose to look at that piece without judgement, let that thought go, and then adjust your way of thinking to something that serves you better. This doesn’t mean don’t ever get angry or sad, those are natural human emotions, just pay attention to what your thoughts are and make adjustments if necessary. Feeling your emotions in a healthy way will also help with this.

Mindfulness and Awareness:

Digital Detox: Being mindful of how much media you consume and how often you are having the radio waves of your phone or computer nearby or on your person. Notice how the media you intake makes you feel or how much time you spend on it. Take technology breaks, intentionally tune out for a while, turn off the devices and feel the world without the physical device on your body.

Spiritual Connection: Remember that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. You are a Divine Energy Form that has chosen to come to this timeline to experience the physical world and the lessons as a human on earth. The human world and earth can get very hard and distressing at times, and remembering that you are an important soul having a “play like'“ experience will help to separate you from the human feelings of sadness, guilt, greed and negativity and others. Cultivate a sense of awe and wonder for the universe and your place within it. Connect with your spirituality through meditation, prayer, or spending time in contemplation.

Growth and Gratitude:

Continuous Learning: Spend time learning something you're passionate about. Whether it's exploring a new subject, honing a skill, or delving into a creative endeavor, embrace opportunities for growth and expansion.

Gratitude Practice: Keep a gratitude journal and regularly express appreciation for the blessings in your life. Focus on what you desire rather than dwelling on what you lack, and watch as abundance flows into your experience.

Positivity and Connection:

Surround Yourself with Positivity: Avoid gossip and negativity, and surround yourself with loving, positive people who uplift and support you on your journey.

Laughter and Joy: Incorporate laughter and joy into your daily life. Watch funny movies, spend time with loved ones, and engage in activities that bring a smile to your face.

Grounding and Balancing:

Be in Nature: Take walks in nature to ground yourself and connect with the Earth's energy. Allow yourself to be present in the natural beauty surrounding you, and let it replenish your spirit. Being in nature, surrounded by the natural colors of greens, blues, browns and the intricate textures and senses of the earth is very important for grounding the spiritual body to the physical body. Touching your feet or hands, the flesh of your physical body to the earth will release stagnation or unwanted energetic charges or frequencies back to the universe where they can be re-absorbed and redistributed into another necessary form. The movement of energy is free and buoyant when immersed in nature. The mind is able to relax and be open to intuitive message when in nature.

Meditative Practices: Begin a meditative practice, even if it's just for a few minutes each day. Focus on your breath, quiet your mind, and cultivate inner peace and stillness.

Personal Rituals for Alignment:

Epsom Salt Bath: Indulge in a relaxing Epsom salt bath infused with essential oils like frankincense, lavender, or rosemary to cleanse your energy and soothe your senses.

Quiet Reflection: Set aside time for quiet reflection, free from distractions and external stimuli. Use this time to center yourself and connect with your inner wisdom.

Some Extras:

Spend time learning something you are passionate about.

Soften your energy in a hard-playing world.

Take responsibility – leave the past in the past.

Be the Authentic You. Don’t live by other’s expectations or beliefs.

Remember you are a part of the universe you inhabit. Your actions have impact.

Appreciate the immense diversity of all of creation.

Focus on what you desire and not what you do not desire.

Be kind to yourself and don’t expect perfection.

Stop and smell the roses. Appreciate all forms of beauty in life.

Keep a gratitude journal.

Be with animals.

Appreciate being able to give to others

Watch funny and uplifting movies or inspiring shows, and avoid mainstream news.

Avoid gossip and negativity.

Move your body. It was designed to move and stretch!

Decide to be in control of your life and stop being a victim of anything.

Breathe – Just breathe. Breathe deeply and keep the oxygen moving

Scents – Like essential oils and incense

Sound. Singing bowls, soft music, toning

Face your fears- move past your comfort zone

Surround yourself with loving positive people

Laugh, laugh, laugh

Volunteer to help others in small or large ways.

Baths with essential oils or just being in the water.

Quiet time- at least 10 minutes of zero sound.

Listening to uplifting or high frequency music.

By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you can raise your vibration and create a life filled with joy, abundance, and spiritual connection. Remember, the power to elevate your frequency lies within you – embrace it and watch as your life transforms in beautiful and unexpected ways.

-Maddie: Creator of Risen Mind Wellness

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